GNU Fall Kickoff Luncheon 2024

Fall Kickoff Luncheon 2024

September 21, 2024 11:00 AM–1:00 PM at Fourth Memorial Church

Save the date to come be enriched, enlightened, and fed well at our first-ever Fall Kickoff Luncheon. Our own Dr. Mike Kibbe will be giving an encouraging talk, Dr. Wendy Liddell will give updates about GNU, and we will share a delicious meal together.

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GNU in Israel

2025 Trip

May 20–May 30, 2025 8:00 AM–8:00 PM at various sites in the Holy Land

Great Northern University cordially invites you to journey with us to Israel in May, 2025! GNU's president, Dr. Wendy Liddell, will be your hostĀ for this life-changing opportunity to walk in the footsteps of Jesus.

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