Great Northern University is located on the campus of Fourth Memorial Church in the heart of Spokane, Washington. Fourth Memorial is a vibrant congregation where several of our faculty members worship and serve. GNU is proud to be a part of the legacy of Christian higher education in this location: Fourth Memorial Church has hosted Christian colleges in our facility for over 50 years. We are grateful to serve Jesus alongside this faithful congregation. 

Purposefully Designed

We have a relentless, laser-sharp focus on our core values, and it shows in how we've structured our campus. So, when you visit campus, you’ll probably notice that we don’t have a student cafeteria, an athletic facility, or a media building. We don't think those things are bad... we've just chosen a different path.

We're a Little Bit Different

So, instead of dorms and a dining hall, we've chosen neighborhood houses for our residence model, where students do life together in a real-world setting. Instead of large, in-house facilities to provide job training, we've developed the Field Education program, where GNU students partner with local agencies and companies to gain real experience in their field of interest. In terms of recreation, Spokane and the entire Pacific Northwest provides more than its fair share of world-class recreational opportunities. 

Spokane is Our Campus

We may not have a huge, elaborate campus with laboratories and other amenities, but the way we see it, Spokane itself is our campus where we study and live, and our laboratory where we practice what we've learned. 

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